aktar sigar

aktar sigar

Idea bhal ma ghandhom go Valencia, Spanja fejn hafna bankini li jkunu wiesghin ikun hemm konki gholjien metru bi sigar ta laring.


It makes our country more colourful

This proposal can be merged with another proposal 'Trees for Streets.'

We live in a very hot country and trees provide nice cool shade and they filter the air .Trees should be placed most especially shading swings were because of the sun we can not take our children beacause way too hot during certain hour of the day.

F'hafna mit-toroq gewwa l-ibliet Inglizi ghandek issib bankini ghan-nies mimlijin bis-sigar. Meta nkun hemm nghid, dawn l-Inglizi kull toqba li fiha jistghu ihawlu sigra jhawlu wahda. Kemm nixtieq li Malta jkollna l-istess mentalita. F'kull lokalita hemm lok ghal aktar sigar.

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