This will allow the House of Representatives, and the Opposition, to hold the Prime Minister directly accountable, giving ample time for discussion, debate and constructive criticism.
This will serve as a weekly spotlight on the Prime Minister who is directly responsible for Government’s work.
Because this would serve to remind the PM that he is accountable to the rest of Parliament and the people who elected him.
This gives both side the opportunity to bring up topics for discussion which otherwise never make it to the table
More accountability
Our Parliament is based on the Westminister system and therefore just like in the UK, we should similarly introduce this session to increase accountability by the government. Of course, this debate should be televised.
I believe this would help a good prime minister stay aware of real situations, explain decisions and an opportunity to rectify when a decision did not have the desired outcome.
This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation